Sound is heard through the ears and also felt through every pore of the body. Through sound we can change the rhythms of our brain waves, heartbeat, and respiration. Sound is measured by its frequency, or number of vibrations per second. Science refers to this as hertz. 432 hertz is the frequency of nature and creation. Instruments use to be tuned to 432 hertz but now are tuned to 440 hertz. Everything around us is vibrating, everything is creating its own sound that is attuned to its form. The human body is composed in part of millions and millions of apatite crystals. Sound can resonate with these crystals within the body and it causes the crystals and cells to vibrate. A fundamental principle of sound healing is that physical, emotional and mental symptoms are being generated by an underlying energy field. Thus if we change the energy field, then the physical, emotional and mental behavior patterns also change. For more information on Sound Healing try a Sound Bath in your area or check out the book "Tune in to Sound Healing & Crystal Singing Bowls" by Dru Ann Welch
Much Love,