November is the perfect month to read The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. The 28 day guide to adding magic into your life through gratitude will have you on your way to being stress free in no time. Rhonda states, “It only takes a few minutes in the morning to use gratitude to Have A Magical Day by giving thanks for the events in your day ahead of time, but this one practice alone will change the way your entire day unfolds.” She explains how to get a front row parking spot, and how to shape your day just by giving thanks and being grateful. She goes on to say, “your gratitude is magnetic, and the more gratitude you have, the more abundance you magnetize. It is Universal law!” There are so many great gems in this book, it truly will change your life. It only takes a couple minutes every day for the next 28 days to see your life change drastically. Sure hope this month is Magical for you as you start learning how to Be Stress Free!
Much love and gratitude,