Everything is green and growing like crazy...including the weeds in your yard. Wait! Don't spray those weeds without finding out which ones can be very useful, nutritious, and even used for first aid emergencies in the wilderness. Kurt King in "Herbs to the Rescue", talks about 13 herbs readily available in nature that can save your life if you are in an emergency situation. Kurt and I are both Master Herbalists and I agree whole heartedly with his small but practical book. Which herbs does he suggest everyone be able to identify and use? Yarrow, nettle, horsetail, plantain, mullein, dandelion, shepherd's purse, chickweed, elderberry, mint, alfalfa, red clover, and Oregon grape root. If any of these don't sound familiar to you, now is the perfect time to get outside and identify what you have growing in your yard. It just might come in very handy!
Much love,